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What started all of this? The Governor came to Spring Green earlier this year, and really liked us! He told me that he would like to come back, and bring his wife along…and yes he did! They both seem to genuinely enjoy each other’s company and did some gift shopping for their grandchildren. One special moment was when Kathy (yes, they introduce themselves as Tony and Kathy) picked out a necklace with a purple gemstone to buy to wear to support one of her causes- fighting Alzheimer’s disease. Their staff is amazing, and made the process so easy. They asked me to invite people to come at a specific time- I was worried I had invited too many people- but it was the perfect amount. Both the Governor and his wife took the time to meet and talk with every single person that came- and seemed to enjoy it. They mentioned the governor spends more time outside the capitol than in it- I think that is a good thing!

PS Yes, they purchased Poop Bingo (a super fun and popular game to play with kids of all ages), one of our best sellers!
